Cell Phone Battery Explodes, Leads to Second and Third Degree Burns
An article (http://www.technewsworld.com/story/55187.html) over at TechNewsWorld cites how a Northern California man received second and third degree burns to at least half his body while sleeping when his cell phone spontaneously exploded in his pocket. The phone, located in his front pants pocket, ignited his clothing and led to a larger fire. The cell phone's manufacturer, model number and technical information have yet to be released. Though serious, these accidents are "relatively rare" according to Scott Wolfson, deputy director of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's Office of Public Affairs. "It is important to keep stories like this in perspective. We don't want to scare consumers into thinking this is a frequent occurrence," said Wolfson. Wolfson then mentioned that while these accidents can occur, they're often the result of a malfunctioning battery or consumer misuse such as leaving a cell phone in a heated environment or droppin...